Blog Shameless! Festivals NCCPE Case Study The SHaME Project and WOW are excited to share that the Shameless! Festivals of Activism Against Sexual Violence has been written up into a case... Reflections on Ecoar! On 24 September, Ecoar!, the second Shameless! Festival of Activism Against Sexual Violence took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The culmination of several years... Announcing Ecoar! the second Shameless! Festival of Activism Against Sexual Violence On 24th September, the Shameless! Festival of Activism Against Sexual Violence will take place in its second year in Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro. Called Ecoar! Festival, the one day festival will be created and presented by Redes da Maré, in partnership with SHaME and the WOW Foundation. Shameless! Festival London: The Virtual Experience Six months ago, nearly 1000 people joined the first ever Shameless! Festival of Activism Against Sexual Violence. The festival sold out and we know not everyone... The Shameless! Podcast: Voices From the Festival SHaME team members Dr George Severs and Dr Rhian Keyse have created a series of podcasts in which they speak to contributors from the 2021... Healing Hearts: A poetry film presented at the Shameless! Festival Healing Hearts is a short film of poetry created by a young women’s group from The Lighthouse Service in North London, filmmaker Sunnah Khan, Clinical... A Place for Anger: An Interactive Space for Survivors at the Shameless! Festival SHaME team members Adeline Moussion and Emma Yapp share their experiences of designing and facilitating the ‘Unpopular Opinions Workshop’ at the Shameless! Festival. The workshop... ‘History Investigators’: An Interactive Workshop on the History of Resistance to Sexual Violence at the Shameless! Festival SHaME team member Dr Ruth Beecher gives an overview of her Shameless! Festival workshop, History Investigators, an interactive session that invited festival goers to delve... ‘Words from an “Unideal” Victim’ Scholar, writer, artist, expert on body politics and speaker at the Shameless! Festival, Mary Morgan has written a blog for SHaME about rape myths, stereotypes... Shameless! Festival Code of Conduct The SHaME Project and WOW are excited to share our bespoke Code of Conduct, created for the first ever Shameless! Festival of Activism Against Sexual... Shameless! Festival Programme The SHaME Project and WOW are excited to share the official programme for the first ever Shameless! Festival of Activism Against Sexual Violence, which took... Safeguarding the Shameless! Festival: Lessons from a Transformative Process SHaME team member Allison McKibban gives a behind-the-scenes look at her own experience in one aspect of planning the Shameless! Festival. She explains how safeguarding... Shameless! Festival Toolkit As part of the Shameless! Festival of Activism Against Sexual Violence, The SHaME Project and WOW worked together to create a special Shameless! Festival Toolkit... Shameless! Festival Schedule The SHaME Project and WOW are excited to share the schedule for the first ever Shameless! Festival of Activism Against Sexual Violence at the Battersea Arts Centre... An official invitation to Shameless! from SHaME’s Joanna Bourke Professor Joanna Bourke offers a warm invitation to the Shameless! Festival on November 27th at Battersea Arts Centre. The event will bring together artists, activists,... SHaME’s Joanna Bourke interviews Dr Maryyum Mehmood ahead of the Shameless! Festival Professor Joanna Bourke interviews academic and activist Dr Maryyum Mehmood ahead of her appearance at the Shameless! Festival. They discuss Dr Mehmood’s campaigns to empower... Poetic Unity - A 'Safe Space' Poetry Hour: Shameless! Festival The SHaME Project and WOW - Women of the World are thrilled to host Poetic Unity for ‘Safe Space’, an evening of poetry and spoken... Shameless! Festival Further Line-Up Announced The SHaME Project and WOW are excited to announce more amazing speakers and creators joining us for the Shameless! Festival of Activism Against Sexual Violence at the Battersea Arts...