In July 2019, The London Rape Review was published by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC). The research was a collaboration between MOPAC and the University of West London, which reviewed 501 allegations of rape from April 2016. The study examined reported rape in London with a specific focus on understanding how key factors related to the victim/survivor, suspect and offence, as well as the subsequent investigation by police, affects different outcomes for victims/survivors and the progression of rape cases through the criminal justice system. The aim of the review was to provide a comprehensive picture of reported rape in London in order to encourage greater discussion about how the criminal justice system and its partners can improve experiences and outcomes for victims/survivors.
The Independent Victims’ Commissioner, Claire Waxman, published her Reflections and Recommendations alongside the Review, and called for a drastic overhaul to the way rape victims are treated in the criminal justice process. She set out 12 specific recommendations, and emphasised that improvements are needed to ensure victims/survivors have better access to fairer justice and support, and are not forced to choose between their rights to privacy or access to therapeutic services in lieu of justice.
The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime
Victims’ Commissioner
July 2019