Violence against Women and Ethnicity, published in 2001, is the first reader of its kind to focus specifically on the ways in which minority ethnic and migrant (MEM) women experience gendered violence. It brings together existing work on this issue, and also highlights and challenges the fragmentary knowledge base about MEM women within academic, policy and practice debates across Europe.
Researchers from across the social sciences, working within and outside of academia, offer a wide range of perspectives on the intersections between violence against women (VAW) and ethnicity in a European context. The essays are organised around five themes: ‘Building and Sharing Knowledge about Violence Against Women in Europe’; ‘Making the Links’; ‘Forms and Effects of Violence Against Women’; ‘Responses to Violence against Minority Ethnic Women’; and ‘Is It a Question of (Their) Culture and (Our) Honour?’.
Ravi K. Thiara, Stephanie A. Condon, Monika Schröttle (eds.)
Violence against Women and Ethnicity: Commonalities and Differences across Europe
(Berlin: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2011).