
Podcast: What's Missing from the Conversation? Design and Sexual Violence

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SHaME's Charlie Jeffries and Avni Patel chat with Thomas Andrew Faulker and Kalpana Viswnath to explore the role of design in preventing sexual harm in public and private spaces. Does it exist? If so where?

Podcast: George Severs x Tanaka Mhishi: 'Sons and Others: On Loving Male Survivors'

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SHaME's George Severs interviews author and activist Tanaka Mhishi about his powerful book 'Sons and Others: On Loving Male Survivors' following its launch late last year.

Podcast: 5 Questions with Dr Charlie Jeffries on 'Teenage Dreams: Girlhood Sexualities in the US Culture Wars'

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SHaME's Allison McKibban interviews SHaME's Dr Charlie Jeffries about her first monograph 'Teenage Dreams: Girlhood Sexualities in the US Culture Wars' ahead of the July 13th launch event.

The Shameless! Podcast: Voices From the Festival

SHaME Postdoctoral Research Fellows Dr George Severs and Dr Rhian Keyse speak to contributors from the 2021 Shameless! Festival of Activism Against Sexual Violence about their work, their reflections on the festival, and their insights on creating a rape-free world.

'What's Missing From The Conversation?' on Trust: A podcast with researchers Emma Yapp and Aviah Day

Public Engagement
SHaME researcher Emma Yapp is joined by researcher and activist Dr Aviah Day on the 'What’s Missing from the Conversation?’ podcast to discuss trust. The podcast is now live on Mixcloud.