We are thrilled to share a Call for Proposals for films supporting the SHaME project. We are seeking to engage filmmakers to create films linked to the themes of SHaME, specifically the medical or psychiatry aspects of sexual violence.
SHaME is an interdisciplinary, Wellcome Trust funded project, based at Birkbeck, University of London. Our researchers explore the relationship between sexual violence, medicine, and psychiatry. We study the multiple roles that medical and psychiatric disciplines have played in defining, understanding, adjudicating, and dealing with sexual harms.
The films could be of any genre (for example, “shorts”, documentaries, drama, musical, animations). They must be directly linked to the medical and/or psychiatric aspects of our specific research projects. Please see our Research page for more detailed information on our various themes and projects.
If you’re a filmmaker interested in creating a piece on sexual violence from a medical or psychiatric perspective and you have a proposal for a collaboration with our team, we’d love to hear from you!
Please see the attached CFP for details. Those interested will need to submit a proposal of up to 500 words, a short biography (including evidence of previous work, if any), and a separate paragraph setting out costings and a timeline to both Professor Joanna Bourke at j.bourke@bbk.ac.uk and Dr Rhea Sookdeosingh at r.sookdeosingh@bbk.ac.uk by Friday 14 January 2022 at 17.00 GMT.
SHaME Project Call for Film Proposals