Children in the care of Nottinghamshire Councils Investigation

This report, commissioned and published in July 2019 by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), was the result of one of three investigations into the nature and extent of allegations of sexual abuse of children while in the care of local authorities. The Inquiry Panel investigated the institutional responses to allegations of child sexual abuse (CSA) in Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottingham City Council, as well as Nottinghamshire Police and the Crown Prosecution Service. These councils were chosen because of the high level of allegations of CSA: the Inquiry received evidence of around 350 complainants, the largest number in a single investigation considered by the Inquiry to date.

The Panel concluded that for more than five decades, the Councils had failed in their statutory duty to protect children in their care from sexual abuse. Poor recruitment practices, few qualified staff and little in-service training, as well as overcrowding and low staffing ratios were highlighted as contributing factors, however, the Panel emphasised that in spite of these considerations, all staff should have regarded the sexual abuse of children as a criminal offence. They further noted that neither of the Councils learned from their mistakes, despite commissioning many reviews which made clear what changes were needed in their care systems to stop the sexual abuse of children.


Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
Children in the care of Nottinghamshire Councils Investigation Report
31 July 2019



Ruth Beecher
‘Children in the Care of Nottinghamshire Council’
SHaME Blog, 03 September 2019