SHaME Publication List
SHaME’s researchers have published numerous articles, chapters and monographs over the course of the project. Below you’ll find a list of our publications, including work that will be published in the future.
Beecher R, Wright S. (2023). Historicising the perpetrators of sexual violence: global perspectives from the modern world. Women’s History Review, (7), doi: 10.1080/09612025.2023.2197790
Beecher R. (2023). Rape revisited: Joanna Bourke reflects on historicizing sexual violence, in conversation with Ruth Beecher. Women’s History Review, (7), doi: 10.1080/09612025.2023.2198080
Beecher R. (2023). Children, Sexual Abuse and the Emotions of the Community Health Practitioner in England and Wales, 1970-2000. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, (4), doi: 10.1093/jhmas/jrad024
Bourke J. (2018). The Rise and Rise of Sexual Violence. Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques, (1), doi: 10.3167/hrrh.2018.440111
Bourke J. (2018). Police Surgeons and Victims of Rape: Cultures of Harm and Care. Social history of medicine : the journal of the Society for the Social History of Medicine, 31(4), pp. 711-731. doi: 10.1093/shm/hky016
Bourke J. (2020). A Global History of Sexual Violence. The Cambridge World History of Violence (pp. 147-167). Cambridge University Press.
Bourke J. (2020). Cruel Visions: Reflections on Artists and Atrocities. Australian and New Zealand journal of art, 20(1), pp. 5-22. doi: 10.1080/14434318.2020.1764226
Bourke J. (2020). The Rise and Rise of Sexual Violence. On Violence in History (pp. 104-116). Berghahn Books.
Bourke J. (2020). ‘Animal instincts’: the sexual abuse of women with learning difficulties, 1830s–1910s. Women’s History Review, (7), doi: 10.1080/09612025.2020.1805155
Bourke J. (2020). Sadism: a history of non-consensual sexual cruelty. The International Journal of Forensic Psychotherapy, (1), doi: 10.33212/ijfp.v2n1.2020.1
Bourke J. (2021). The rise and rise of sexual violence. The Darker Angels of Our Nature – Refuting the Pinker Theory of History & Violence Bloomsbury Academic.
Bourke J. (2021). Historical Perspectives on Mental Health and Psychiatry. Mind, State and Society – Social History of Psychiatry and Mental Health in Britain 1960–2010 (pp. 3-12). Cambridge University Press.
Bourke J. (2022). Forensic sense: Sexual violence, medical professionals and the senses. Feeling Dis-ease in Modern History – Experiencing Medicine and Illness Bloomsbury Academic.
Bourke J. (2022). “A Deed of the Darkest Violence”: Rape and the Emergence of Sadism in Australian Psychiatry, 1920–1950. Journal of Australian Studies, (3), doi: 10.1080/14443058.2022.2085767
Bourke J. (2022). Chapter 9. The Rise and Rise of Sexual Violence. On Violence in History (pp. 104-116). Berghahn Books.
Bourke J. (2022). Military Sexual Trauma: Gender, Military Cultures, and the Medicalization of Abuse in Contemporary America. Journal of war & culture studies, 15(1), pp. 86-105. doi: 10.1080/17526272.2021.1884785
Bourke J. (2023). Sexual violence, deviance, and the paraphilias in American psychiatry, 1952-2013. Women’s history review, 32(7), pp. 960-976. doi: 10.1080/09612025.2023.2197792
Bourke J. (2023). ‘Evil Women’: Sexual Sadism and Murder in Britain, 1960s–1980s. The Emerald International Handbook of Feminist Perspectives on Women’s Acts of Violence (pp. 377-390). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Bourke J. (2020). The Mocking of Margaret and the Misfortune of Mary: Sexual Violence in Irish History. Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 43, pp. 17-35.
Bourke J. (2022). Disgrace: Global Reflections on Sexual Violence. London: Reaktion Books.
Keyse R. (2023). ‘A very sensitive Rwandan woman’: sexual violence, history, and gendered narratives in the trial of Pauline Nyiramasuhuko at the international criminal tribunal for Rwanda, 2001-2011. Women’s History Review, (7), doi: 10.1080/09612025.2023.2197795
Keyse R., Moussion-Esteve A., Yapp, E. (eds.) (expected 2025). Sexual Violence in Medicine and Psychiatry: Addressing Harms Through Interdisciplinarity. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Moussion-Esteve A. (2022). Domestic fear beyond traumatic terror: understanding mothers’ everyday experiences of recurring fear in the context of domestic violence. Emotions and Society, (3), doi: 10.1332/263169021×16631506064877
Moussion-Esteve A. (2022). « Le corps de la mère. Tensions entre la catégorie d’action publique « victime de violences conjugales » et l’attention de la mère » Géo-Regards, Société Neuchâteloise de Géographie.
Moussion-Esteve A. (2022). « Mère ou victime ? Parcours de femme voulant fuir les violences conjugales ». Nccr on the move, Université de Neuchâtel
Severs G.J. (2024). ‘Male rape: survivors, support and the law in late twentieth-century England and Wales’, History Workshop Journal, doi: 10.1093/hwj/dbae002
Severs G.J. (forthcoming). ‘Queer citizenship in 1990s Britain’, Contemporary British History.
Wright S. (2022). Caballeros Mutilados y mujeres deshonradas: Cuerpo, género y privilegio en la posguerra española. Historia y Política: Ideas, Procesos y Movimientos Sociales, (47), doi: 10.18042/hp.47.06
Wright S. (2023). ‘Facts that are declared proven’: sexual violence, forensic medicine, and the courtroom in early Francoist Spain. Women’s History Review, (7), doi: 10.1080/09612025.2023.2197791
Yapp E. (In preparation 2024). ‘From “brian scar” to “bat shit crazy”: Negotiating the madness of sexual violence discourse’. BioSocieties.
The SHaME Project (2022). (Un)Silenced: Institutional Sexual Violence Series. History Workshop.